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The following Terms and Conditions should be read and understood prior to confirming your travel purchases on the site.

The Consumer Protection Act in section 41 also requires of us to clarify any ‘apparent misapprehension’ you may have – if you have such a ‘misapprehension’ DO NOT accept the Terms and Conditions. Please email or phone us AGAIN BEFORE checking the Tick Box. If you are finally satisfied that all your queries have been addressed to your satisfaction, then Read the Terms and Conditions once more, and check the Tick Boxes indicating your acceptance of Terms and Conditions.



  • The following definitions have the same meaning whether they are singular or plural.

    • 'Customer' (or "you/your") means a customer who reserves and/or books one or more Services offered on the Website.

    • 'General Terms and Conditions' means all these terms and conditions for booking and use, as amended from time to time.

    • 'Lead Customer' means the Customer who makes a booking for themselves and/or on behalf of others under the same booking.

    • Rules and Restrictions' means the terms and conditions applicable to the Suppliers with whom the Customer has concluded a separate contract (such as airlines’ conditions of carriage,).

    • 'Service' means a service offered by the Suppliers on the Website, such as air transport services, hotel accommodation services, car hire services, tour and transfer services and cruise services.

    • 'Supplier' means a supplier of Services, such as an airline, hotel, tour, transfer, car hire or cruise company, collectively referred to as the “Principal”

    • 'Website' means the website.



  • These General Terms and Conditions apply to offering of the Services by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  . Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  operates the Website which acts as an interface between you and the various Suppliers offering the Services.  When you make a booking for a Service using the Website, you will be entering into a contract within the relevant Supplier of that Service. 

  • These General Terms and Conditions are subject to the Suppliers' Rules and Restrictions which are made available to the Customer before any booking is completed and which the Customer also accepts at the moment that a booking is actually placed. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the Suppliers' Rules and Restrictions and any third party booking service supplier’s terms and conditions. The Rules and Restrictions of Suppliers of air transport services are made available prior to making a booking and the specific terms of the relevant Supplier can be re-viewed here. Specific accommodation Supplier Rules and Restrictions are provided prior to making a booking.

  • The General Terms and Conditions can be changed by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  at any time without prior notice, although such changes will not apply to bookings that have already been accepted by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   on behalf of the Supplier(s) concerned. It is therefore essential that all Customers read, save and/or print a copy of the General Terms and Conditions at the time the booking is placed, in order to be aware of the provisions in force.



  • The Website helps the Customer to find travel products and to make the necessary reservations, and acts as an interface in the transactions involved with the Suppliers.

  • The Lead Customer must be at least 18 years old, be legally authorised to enter into contractual obligations at the time of booking, have the requisite consent or authority to act for or on behalf of any persons included in a booking and must use the Website in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions and the Website Terms of Use.

  • The Lead Customer must also ensure and hereby confirms that the details provided for all parties to the booking are full and accurate, that all parties agree to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions and that the Lead Customer has the authority to accept and does accept these General Terms and Conditions on behalf of all Customers in the booking.

  • The Lead Customer is the person who is responsible for the booking, paying the deposit and the full price, making any amendment and cancellation requests, for paying any additional charges in relation to the booking and for all other matters concerning the booking.

  • The Lead Customer agrees to check all descriptions on the travel documentation received after booking and to inform us immediately of any errors or instances where personal details do not correspond with those shown on the passports of those travelling under the booking.

  • The Lead Customer is responsible for his / her activities on the Website (financially or otherwise), including the possible use of his / her user name and password. The Customer guarantees that the information entered by him / her on the Website in relation to him / her and, if applicable, his / her travelling companions is accurate.

  • Any use of the Website that is fraudulent or is in conflict with these General Terms and Conditions shall be reason for refusing Customers access to the Services offered by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   and the Suppliers or to the other functionalities of the Website.



  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   provides Customers with travel and/or other services either itself or acting as agents for suppliers engaged in or associated with the travel and tourism industry, such as air transport services, hotel accommodation services, car hire services, tour and transfer services and cruise services (‘collectively referred to as ‘the Principal’).

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   represents the Principals as agents only and accordingly accepts no liability for any loss, damage, illness, harm, injury or death which any Customer may suffer as a result of any act or omission on the part of or the failure of the Principals to fulfill its obligations, whether in relation to travel arrangements, accommodation or otherwise unless, in the case of injury or death, it is due to the negligent act or omission of Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  .

  • The contract in use by the Principals (which is often constituted by the ticket issued by the Principal), shall constitute the sole contract between the Principal and the Customer and any right of recourse the Customer may have, will be solely against such Principal.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will provide the identity and terms and conditions of (or access thereto) all the Principals relevant to the service being provided for the Customer’s booking. It’s the Customer’s responsibility to familiarise itself with such terms and conditions (‘the Principal’s Conditions’).

  • With regards to hotel bookings please be aware that hotels and other accommodation properties (Collectively referred to as ‘hotels’) may undergo renovations from time to time. Hotels generally take all possible steps to limit disruption and inconvenience to their guests when renovations are taking place. Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will not accept complaints or requests for refunds if a hotel is carrying out renovations whilst a guest is resident. If Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   is specifically advised of renovation work in advance by the hotel, this information will be passed on to the Customer but it is important to understand that this is subject to change and that Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   may not always be notified.

  • See EAN terms and conditions here.

Impossibility of performance

  • In certain circumstances beyond the reasonable control of any of the parties, it may be necessary to cancel your travel due to an event which makes it impossible.  This includes, but is not limited to: strikes, terrorism, war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, pandemic or epidemic outbreak, confiscation or destruction or requisition by order of any government or any public authority or any other act of state, including prevention or denial of trade, sanctions or closure of borders, denial of the use or unavailability of any railway, port, airport, shipping service or other means of public transport, and any similar event beyond the reasonable control of the parties.

  • If any party is prevented from or delayed in performing any of its obligations by circumstances beyond its control as set out above, then it must notify the other parties in writing of the nature and expected duration of such circumstances and of the obligation, performance of which is delayed or prevented. The party subject to the event rendering performance impossible, will be excused from performance or punctual performance, as the case may be, of its obligations, for so long as the circumstances or prevention or delay may continue.


  • All tours are booked and arrangements are made on the express condition that Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  , its directors, members, partners, employees and agents, shall not be responsible for, and shall be exempt from, all liability in respect of loss (financial or otherwise), damage, accident, injury, death, harm, illness, harm, trauma, delay or inconvenience to any Customer (which shall be deemed to include the heirs, executors, administrators or assigns of the Customer whether on the tour or journey or not), to or loss of or damage to their luggage, or other property, wherever, whenever and however the same may occur and whether or not arising from any act, omission, default, or negligence on the part of Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   whatsoever.

  • The Customer indemnifies and holds harmless the Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  , its directors, members, partners, its employees and agents accordingly. Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  , its directors, members, partners, its employees and agents shall furthermore not be liable for any consequential or indirect loss or damages whatsoever, unless section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act applies.



  • It is strongly advised that all Customers take out adequate insurance cover such as cancellation due to illness, accident or injury personal accident and personal liability, loss of or damage to baggage and sports equipment (Note that is not an exhaustive list).

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will not be responsible or liable if the Customer fails to take adequate insurance cover or at all.

  • It shall not be obligatory upon Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   to effect insurance for the Customer except upon detailed instructions given in writing and all insurance affected by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   pursuant to such instruction will be subject to such exceptions and conditions as may be imposed by the insurance company or underwriters accepting the risk, and Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   shall not be obliged to obtain separate cover for any risks so excluded.

  • Should the insurers dispute their liability for any reason; the Customer will have recourse against the insurers only.

  • Once the insurance has been confirmed and paid for, the Customer will be issued with a policy document of the insurer.

  • It is a complex document, which must be read BEFORE YOU initiate your travel so that you can address any queries you may have to the insurer PRIOR to your departure.

  • Please note that various credit card companies offer limited levels of travel insurance, which Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   does not consider sufficient cover for international travel. Kindly check with the respective credit card companies in order to obtain the specific details of the cover.



  • Documents (vouchers, itineraries etc) are only prepared and released on receipt of payment of Tour Price in full.

  • Upon receipt of your travel documents, PLEASE CHECK that ALL the detail therein are correct.



  • All onward travel arrangements (local and international & on return to RSA, domestic connecting flights) must be reconfirmed by the Customer 72 hours prior to departure.




  • Passports are required for all passengers including infants for international travel. Passports and travel documents must comply with the following requirements:

    • Valid for at least 6 (six) months after your date of return;

    • Must have a minimum 2 (two) blank pages; excluding the front and back cover

    • Travel documents have to be in the name appearing on the Traveller’s passport.

  • Temporary passports are not accepted in most countries.

  • Most countries require machine-readable passports. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure compliance.

  • The Customer indemnifies Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   against any errors which might occur and any cost relating thereto in the event that any Customer’s passport has not been issued by the Department of Home Affairs at the date of completing the booking form.

  • The onus is on South African permanent residents travelling on a foreign passport to ensure they have the required documentation to travel, including but not limited to visas.

  • The onus is on the Customer, especially where the Customer has become a citizen of the relevant country by naturalisation, to ensure that they are travelling with the correct travel documents.

  • Documentary identification is required for infants who are travelling.

  • Identification is required for all passengers travelling domestically. The airline will require that you present a South African identity document or South African driver’s licence for domestic travel.

  • Most airlines require that the Traveller present the card utilised to make payment for the reservation upon check in at the airport. Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will not be held liable for any costs incurred if the Travellers are denied boarding due to their inability to comply with the airline’s request to present the credit card.

  • Non South African passport holders may also be required to have re-entry documentation and it is entirely the Customer’s duty to ensure that such documentation is in order before departure



  • Visas are required for South African passport holders to travel to most destinations including but not limited to the UK, USA, Europe, Canada and Australia. A Schengen visa is required when transiting twice in any European country or countries.

  • It is the Customer’s responsibility to check visa requirements with the consulate or embassy of each country being visited including stopovers or ports and transits. Customers should check all border crossings as well as any ocean border crossing, as a visa may be required according the maritime law of the country concerned. If visa Suppliers or the relevant consulate or embassy do not supply the correct advice, any claims must be made directly to the relevant party concerned. If entry into any country is denied, this can be amongst other a customs, internal security or home affairs issue and outside of Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   and the visa Supplier’s control. Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   cannot be held liable for any claims related to working visas, student visas or residency permits.

  • The processing time for a visa may vary and can generally take between a minimum of 5 (five) Business Days and up to 30 (thirty) Business Days. Delays in the processing of visa applications may occur during peak season periods. In some cases a visa may only be released by the consulate or embassy 24 (twenty four) hours prior to departure or even on the day of departure. It is highly recommended that you allow sufficient time for your visa application to be processed.

  • Certain visas need to be printed prior to travel and are to be presented along with your passport.

  • Immigration may require that supporting documentation is presented in addition to a passport and visa. This may include, but is not limited to; 3 (three) month’s bank statements, proof of accommodation or tour, letter from the host at your final destination, letter from your employer stating your intent to return to employment, letter from a tertiary institution confirming that you study at this institution.

  • By accepting these Terms and Conditions the Customer confirms that he/she has been made aware that a visa may be required, inclusive of any transits, stopovers or port entries that may be included as part of the travel itinerary.

  • The Customer indemnifies and holds harmless Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   against all suits, actions, claims, judgements, direct and/or consequential damages or losses or other liabilities, and all costs and expenses which may arise from the services or the omission of supplying the services by any Supplier or the unsuccessful or late visa; or if there is any delay in obtaining a visa for the relevant travel.

  • Please note that a visa does not guarantee entry to any given country at point of entry and boarding of an aircraft may be denied at any point even if you have a valid visa.



  • From 1 June 2015 all children under the age of 18 (eighteen) require the following:

    • Unabridged birth certificates to travel internationally in and out of South Africa;

    • If travelling with one parent, consent in the form of an affidavit of the non-travelling parent and a certified copy of the non-travelling parent’s identity document is required as well as an unabridged birth certificate;

    • If travelling with no parents, consent in the form of an affidavit is required from both parents and a certified copy of the non-travelling parents identity documents as well as an unabridged birth certificate;

    • Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs website for information on minors travelling internationally;

    •  Ages of children and infants travelling must relate to the dates of travel.


  • In the case of foreign countries that do not issue unabridged birth certificates, a letter to this effect issued by the competent authority of the foreign country should be produced.

  • All documents must be original or copies certified as a true copy of the original by a Commissioner of Oaths or the equivalent commissioning authority should Commissioners of Oaths not be a practice in the country concerned.

  • All documents not in English should be accompanied by a sworn translation issued by the competent authority in the country concerned.



  • It is the Customer’s duty to familiarise him/herself with the inherent dangers of and mental and/or physical condition required for the Proposed Travel Arrangements. 

  • The onus is on the Customer to ensure compliance with any health requirements and recommended precautions relevant to travel, including but not limited to ensure that all necessary vaccination documentation is presented.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   recommends that each Traveller consult their local doctor, travel medical service or specialist vaccination clinic before commencing travel.

  • Most vaccinations need to be administered several days or weeks prior to travel to be considered effective.


    • Certain parts covered by your itinerary may be areas where there is a high-risk of malaria and other tropical diseases.  We strongly recommend that the necessary precautions be taken in this regard and recommend that you check with your medical practitioner before departure or a medical practitioner well versed in tropical diseases immediately upon your arrival in Africa or any other tropical or sub-tropical destination. If you have not done so prior to departure, it is imperative you do so upon your return.

  • Disinsection: Although not common, most countries reserve the right to disinsect aircraft if there is a perceived threat to public health, agriculture or environment. The World Health Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization have approved the following disinsection procedures: (1) spray the aircraft cabin with an aerosolized insecticide while passengers are on board or (2) treat the aircraft's interior surfaces with a residual insecticide while passengers are not on board.



  • The Customer acknowledges that it has selected the itinerary and destination(s) constituting the Booking based on information gleaned from brochures and/or the Internet.

  •  It also acknowledges that certain of such brochures and/or the Internet have been compiled and are managed and up-dated by the Principals over which Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   has no control.

  • Accordingly Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   cannot and does not guarantee that the itinerary and/or any destinations will comply in whole or in part with such brochure and/or the Internet.

  • Any right of recourse in that regard will be against the Principal.

  • PLEASE NOTE: The South African government as a rule does not issue cautionary travel advice regarding foreign countries – where the countries you are travelling to issue such a cautionary & it comes to our attention we will convey it and/or the appropriate link to you. However it is your duty to check your destination on the Internet for any such cautionary before you travel as the state of the country in terms of not only health but also security (such as recent terrorist attacks) can change overnight.          



  • In the unlikely event of there being unscheduled alterations to the itinerary caused by flight re-scheduling, flight delays, bad weather, strikes or any other cause which is beyond the control of Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  , its agents or principals, it is understood that expenses relating to these unscheduled extensions (hotel accommodation etc) will be for the Customer’s account.



  • While every effort is made to keep to all published itineraries, Principals and/or Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   reserve the right to make changes for the Customer’s convenience e.g. in some cases, weather conditions can necessitate an alteration in the tour itinerary and this does not constitute any reason for refund.

  • It is the Customer’s duty to check each amendment to the itinerary and also to sign the final one. If such changes results in additional charges, it will be for the Customer’s account.



  • While it is possible to break away from planned holiday itineraries, it is understood that such breakaways will be for the Customer’s account.



  • Please note that the flying services and coach transfers are sub-contracted to independent companies.

  • They are responsible for this portion of the itinerary. Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will not be liable for any additional flying/transfers outside of the quoted itinerary. This will be for the Customer’s account.



  • A Customer, who has special requests, must specify such requests to Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   in the Enquiry.

  • Whilst Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will use its best endeavours to accommodate such requests, it does not guarantee that it will.



  • This is the Customer’s exclusive duty.

  • It is the responsibility of each individual Customer to ensure that he/she does not exceed the R1 (one) million per calendar year (Please note this amount is stipulated by the SA Reserve Bank as at January 2015 and may be adjusted from time to time – it is the Customer’s duty when booking to check with its foreign exchange provider).

  • It is imperative that the Customers are able to show any customs official that they purchased the foreign exchange they are carrying, failing which it may be confiscated.



  • The Customer agrees that he/she will at all times comply with Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s or others’ requirements and instructions in regard to his/her conduct and he/she will not in any way constitute a hindrance to any other passenger or person on the tour, mode of conveyance, at any place of accommodation, entertainment or where meals and/or drinks are served.

  • The Customer indemnifies and holds harmless Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   against damages suffered and/or costs incurred by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   and/or any third party as a result of a breach of this clause.



  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   shall have the right to cancel any contract should its fulfilment be rendered impossible, impeded or other duly constituted authorities or any other cause beyond the control of Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  .

  • Force Majeure includes renovations that may be carried out at your resort – whilst the Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will use its best endeavours to provide current information in that regard and whilst the resort will use it best endeavours to keep any inconvenience to a minimum, the fact that restoration or renovations are being carried out does not constitute grounds for any claim against Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  .

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will use it best endeavours to recover from third parties such monies as may have been paid to them on behalf of the Customer. All monies so recovered by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will be reimbursed to the Customer less a 5% (Five percent) of the Price as an administration charge.



  • Subject to statutory constraints or compliance with an order of court, Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   undertakes to deal with all Customer information of a personal nature on a strictly confidential basis.



  • South African law and the jurisdiction of South African courts will govern the relationship between the Customer and Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  .

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   shall be entitled to institute any legal proceedings arising out of or in connection with this contract in any Magistrates Court having jurisdiction in terms of Section 28 of the Magistrates Court Act no. 32/1944 as amended, notwithstanding that the amount in issue may exceed the limits of such jurisdiction. The parties choose their respective domicilium citandi et excutandi.



  • Any and all dispute arising out of or in connection with the Conditions including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be dealt with as follows:

    • Firstly the parties will meet within 5 (five) working days of the dispute arising in an attempt to resolve the matter amicably. Failing such amicable resolution of the dispute within 5 (five) days of their meeting, they will attempt to resolve the matter by mediation – the mediator will be an independent third party mutually agreed upon and, failing such mutual agreement, a party appointed as a mediator by the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (‘AFSA’), which mediator must be appointed within 5 (five) days of their failing to resolve the matter amicably and the mediation itself must take place with a further 5 (five) days from the date the mediator is appointed Failing such amicable resolution of the dispute by the intervention of a mediator, the dispute must be referred to arbitration in Johannesburg within two (two) days of the failure to resolve the dispute by the intervention of a mediator, which referral must be delivered in writing to and be conducted in terms of the rules of  AFSA for the time being in force which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The tribunal shall consist of one (1) arbitrator to be appointed pursuant to the AFSA Rules. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding upon the parties and shall provide the sole and exclusive remedies of the parties. All judgment upon the award so rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction or application may be made to such court for a judicial acceptance of the award or orders of enforcement. The commencement of any arbitration proceedings under this Clause shall in no way affect the continual performance of the obligations relates to the subject matter of such proceedings. All arbitration proceedings shall be in the English Language.

    • Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, either party may bring an urgent application to any court that has jurisdiction if circumstances arise that merit such an application.



  • The Conditions (together with all enquiries, advice, quotations or estimates addressed to, provided by or bookings made and indemnities signed) constitute collectively the entire terms of the relationship between the parties. 

  • There exist no other terms, conditions, warranties, representations, guarantees, promises, undertaking or inducements of any nature whatsoever regulating the relationship and the Customer acknowledges that he/she has not relied on any matter or thing stated on behalf of Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   or otherwise that is not included herein.

  • The contra proferentem rule will not apply to the interpretation of the Conditions.




  • All prices are quoted in South African Rand. Prices are valid at the time of quotation and can only be guaranteed once payment has been received in full from the Customer. Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   cannot be held liable for any increase or decrease to the quoted price; in the time it takes for payment to reflect in Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s account.

  • The following commercial conditions shall apply to quotations and supply of services and product:

    • Price variation: If the ROE is applicable, the ROE on the day of quotation will apply. Should the ROE increase at the date of payment reflecting in Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s account, such increase will be for the Customer’s account and payable in addition to the total price quoted;

    •  General: All quotations are subject to availability from Suppliers. Should the product range no longer be available, another product will be quoted at an updated price;

    •  A price is secured once payment has been made in full by the Customer. No part payments accepted.




  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   accepts the following methods of payment:

    • Secure Online payment by credit card or debit card

    • Electronic fund transfer via SID

    • Deposit Line – only available to Travel Agent and subject to prior approval;

    • The Individual Customer may make a card payment directly on the Supplier’s website or secure link, which proof of payment thereof must immediately be sent to Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  . Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will not proceed with any booking until payment reflects in Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s account and/or proof of payment referred to in this clause, is sent to Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  . The Customer will be liable for any increase in price due to commercial conditions during the time it takes for the funds to reflect in Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s account. Should the services or product no longer be available due to this clause, all funds received will be refunded to the Customer.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   does not guarantee the compliance of the Supplier with laws and regulations relating to electronic payments contemplated in the clause above.

  •  Prices are subject to change until payment has been secured in full from the Customer.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will communicate with the Customer on the chosen email address of the Customer and will send the Customer an invoice on a once-off basis in relation to a booking made. The Customer should be vigilant in using email and should maintain the appropriate level of cyber security in order to prevent fraud or the interception of emails. Should anything occur which may appear suspicious or should the Customer receive more than 1 (one) invoice, the Customer should contact Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   immediately prior to making payment in order to verify payment details, failing which Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will not be liable for any payment or damages suffered by the Customer. Notwithstanding the incorrect aforesaid payment, the Customer shall be liable to make payment of any amounts due to Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  .

  • If a booking price as displayed contains an inadvertent and obvious error, the Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   is not bound by it after—

    • correcting the error in the displayed price; and

    • taking reasonable steps in the circumstances to inform Consumers to whom the erroneous price may have been displayed, of the error and the correct price.

  • Where a booking price contains an error in contemplated in the clause above, which error is not due to Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s fault, the Customer will be entitled to cancel the booking made, unless the Customer wishes to proceed with a booking on a correct price.

  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the Traveller’s names (as per identity documentation), identity and/or passport numbers, travel dates, times, departure, destination and routings are correct.



  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   has to be notified of all cancellations or changes in writing prior to departure. The Customer will be liable for cancellation or date change penalties in the event that travel arrangements are changed or cancelled by the Customer.

  • Cancellation or date change penalties can amount up to the full purchase price subject to amongst others when the travel arrangements are cancelled, the Supplier’s cancellation policy and the fare rules.

  • For non-refundable bookings that are cancelled, the Customer will have no recourse to a refund.

  •  Fees will be charged by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   for any amendments processed on behalf of the Customer

  • Travel bookings are non-transferable and name changes are not permitted.

  • The Customer will forfeit the fare if they do not fly or do not notify the airline or Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   of their intent not to travel prior to their scheduled departure.

  • Tickets must be travelled on in the sequence they are booked, if not, the ticket will be forfeited



  • The Customer will be liable for any additional taxes levied by the relevant country or city visited including inter alia local city tax or departure tax.

  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to declare any personal items with the South African Revenue Services prior to departure.



  • Upon receipt of the Customer’s written instructions to cancel a booking, Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will charge a reasonable service fee for any refunds processed.

  • Should the Customer require a refund, the Customer must complete and submit a refund consent form provided by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  .

  • For non-refundable bookings that are cancelled or not used, the Customer will have no recourse to a refund.

  • For hotel, cruise and transfer bookings, bookings must be cancelled prior to the cancellation deadline stipulated in the booking for a refund to apply. Once the travel date has passed, the Customer has no recourse to a refund.

  • For Flights, bookings must be cancelled prior to travel date for refunds to be applicable. This will also depend on the type of ticket purchased. Promotional fares from airlines are usually non-refundable. If cancelled after the first date of travel, a no show fee will also apply.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will endeavour to process all refunds by airlines within a reasonable time frame with the exception of the following refunds:

    • Tickets which have been taken over by the airline due to amongst others upgrades, downgrades, schedule changes, reissued tickets and expired tickets;

    • Any ticket submitted with supporting documentation for a refund due to an event as stipulated in the Consumer Protection Act.

  • The refunds stipulated above can take up to 12 (twelve) weeks to be processed, subject to the Consumer Protection Act.

  • Refunds must be processed within the ticket’s validity, thereafter the ticket will be deemed as non-refundable.

  • Any refund amounts received from a refund application submitted within the validity of a ticket will be retained on file for a period of 36 (thirty six) months, with the following conditions:

    • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will make every effort to contact you and to advise of the refund amount received;

    • Should all attempts to reach you be unsuccessful within a 36 (thirty six) month period of the refund amount being received, the refund amount will be forfeited by the Customer.

  • All other refunds have to be submitted in writing prior to commencement of travel and will be subject to the cancellation policy of the relevant Supplier.







  • An electronic ticket is a ticket with no physical form. When using this type of ticket, the Customer must go to the check-in desk of the airline concerned and show a valid travel document (passport, visa, identity card, etc.) in order to obtain his / her boarding card. The Customer must strictly observe the times for checking in



  • Many airlines are now recommending the use of on-line check-in. This can be done up to 24 hours prior to departure but it varies from airline to airline. It is advisable to check on-line with the airline directly. On-line check-in will allow a reduced airport check-in time, and will allow the passenger to reconfirm his/her assigned seat, and if a seat has not been assigned (depending on the airline), it will allow pre-assignment of seat.

  • Please be advised that some low cost carriers will charge a fee if the check in is done at the Airline’s Airport Counter instead of prior to arriving at the counter.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will not be responsible for a Customer’s online check-in

  • It remains the exclusive duty of the Customer to:

    • monitor and re-confirm flight times and to arrive at the airport timeously;

    • advise the airline if they are delayed or will not be flying

    • ensure that any check-in and carry-on/hand luggage comply with the terms and conditions of the airline concerned 

  • The Customer further accepts that Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will raise a professional fee for undertaking to carry out this service on behalf of the Customer. Please refer to our list of professional fees which are available on request. The fee is payable prior to departure of first flight and is non refundable.



  • It is an IATA (International Air Transport Association) requirement that all air tickets should reflect the full first name, initials and surname of the passenger, and these should be spelt in the exact same way as the first name, initials and surname on the passports or identity documents.

  • The onus is on the passenger to check that the first names and surnames appearing on Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s  booking confirmation page are correct as per the passports as tickets are issued immediately.

  • Once the air tickets have been issued, no changes can be made and in case of incorrect name and/or surname the tickets will have to be refunded and new tickets issued. Refunded tickets are all subject to penalties for cancellation and Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s administration fee/s.



  • Pre-assigned seats CANNOT be guaranteed due to inter-alia aircraft configuration changes, schedule changes etc., and are always subject to the airline’s discretion.

  • In some cases seats can only be pre-booked on-line and each airline has its own rules regarding the time limit placed on pre-booking of pre-assigned seats.

  • In other cases the pre-assigned seats can only be held once reconfirmation of the booking takes place on-line, and in specific time frames determined by the airline.

  •  It is therefore solely the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that he/she has checked on the web-site of the relevant airline for further information in this regard and has followed the correct procedure.

  • Similarly advice to the Customer regarding the seat can only be provided by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s consultant based on the information currently available e.g. recline of seat, leg-room space etc.




  • The Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   is not responsible for overbooking by airlines resulting in the passenger/s being denied boarding.

  • In the case of denied boarding it is the airline’s responsibility to re-route / re-book the passenger/s on alternative flights, and if required to provide the passenger/s with compensation. The new flight arrangements should be made by the passenger/s directly with the airline at the time of check-in.



  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   is not responsible for delays in departure or landing and/or cancelled flights caused by airlines either in South Africa or elsewhere, whether due to adverse weather conditions, or due to technical reasons or other reasons.

  •  If these delays should occur, it will be the airline’s responsibility to re-route/re-book the passenger on alternative flights (if possible), and/or to provide the passenger with compensation, and/or accommodation etc. if it falls within the passenger’s rights as per the airline’s terms and conditions, and/or cost of air ticket purchased by the passenger.

  • The new flight arrangements should be made by the passenger/s directly with the airline, and any claims arising from inconvenience caused by the airline to the passenger due to the delay and/or cancelled flight etc. should be made by the passenger directly with the airline.

  •  If the passenger requires Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   to act on his/her behalf in his/her claim then this will be undertaken by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   without prejudice and a fee will be charged and this will be determined and advised to the passenger at the time of initiating representation.



  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   is not responsible if a passenger misses a flight/s and/or connection/s due to inter alia tardy check-in, non-timeous boarding of flight by the passenger, misinterpretations of flight announcement by the passenger or lack of announcement by the airline etc. in South Africa or elsewhere.

  •  It is the full responsibility of the passenger to ensure that he/she checks in for the flight/connecting flight on time, and that he/she reports to the boarding gate on time and as per instructions on the boarding pass.

  •  In case of missed flight due to inter alia late check-in or late reporting at the boarding gate, Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will endeavour to assist the passenger with further flight arrangements, however a charge will be raised for this assistance, and this will be advised to the Customer at the time and will be dependent on the amount of time it will take the travel consultant to render the assistance. After hours fees will apply. The charges will apply whether the consultant is successful in assisting the passenger or not with a suitable alternative to the missed flight/connection.

  • Please NOTE that in most airport lounges no boarding announcements are made and the latter may be limited to an electronic display



  • Passengers should ensure that all baggage is securely locked or wrapped, labelled with name, address and contact details and that no valuables is contained in their check-in luggage.

  • In the case of baggage delay or loss of baggage, the claim should be made directly with the airline at the airport immediately upon arrival on discovering that baggage is missing or that the baggage has been tampered with.

  • The claim number should be used each time an enquiry is made by the passenger with the airline with regards the delayed, missing or tampered baggage and with regards to any potential monetary claims that could arise.

  • If the loss or damage is discovered after the passenger has left the airport, the airline should be contacted as soon as possible and the claim made directly with the airline official, although the airline may not entertain the claim.

  • If Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   is asked to assist with the follow up with the claim, Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   shall do so without prejudice, and a professional fee will be charged which will be advised at the time of initiating the assistance.



  • Whilst every effort will be made by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   to ensure that the relevant frequent flyer membership numbers appear in the flight booking reservation, the responsibility to ensure that miles are updated or credited to the frequent flyer membership / loyalty program lies with the passenger.

  • The membership number / card should be displayed by the passenger at check-in, and all boarding passes should be retained as proof of travel.

  • The Airlines cannot update or credit missing miles on the loyalty programs unless the original boarding passes are provided by the passenger.

  •  A professional fee is charged by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   if Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   is requested by its Customers to submit boarding passes to the airline/s in order to update or credit the frequent flyer membership.



  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   cannot be held responsible if any Customer is refused entry into any country or refused boarding of any aircraft, or refused a visa following an application, for whatever reason including but not limited to incorrect visa/passport documents, security reasons etc.

  • Any expenses incurred or consequence of with regard to refused entry/refused boarding, refused visa will be borne solely by the passenger.



  • Whilst Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will assist the passenger to obtain any refund on unused ticket/s which may be due to the passenger, the refund amount (if any) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the airline concerned and to a professional fee which will be charged by Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  .

  •  Furthermore there is no guarantee that the application for a refund will be successful even in the case of refused entry in a country, refused boarding on an aircraft, cancellation of an air booking resulting in refused entry into a country due to security reasons or a refused visa.



  • It is the responsibility of the passenger/s to apply to Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   for refund of their unused tickets, or partially used tickets prior to their expiry which is as follows:

    • 364 days from the date of their issuance for international tickets i.e. tickets that are issued to or from destinations which are over the South African borders e.g. Johannesburg / Maseru or Johannesburg / London or London / New York or New York / Johannesburg etc.

    • 178 days from the date of their issuance for internal South African domestic tickets e.g. Johannesburg / Cape Town

  • There are exceptions to the above; therefore Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   would require that the Customer enquires from Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   on the exact rule pertaining to his/her ticket as soon as he/she is aware that the flight/s booked have not been used.

    • Internet bookings – these are normally valid only for the dates of travel for which they have been booked, and therefore if travel does not occur as booked, immediate communication must take please with Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  ’s consultant with a view to checking on what can be done (if anything) to extend the validity of the booking. The onus will remain with the Customer to ensure that if an extension has been made to the internet booking that he/she contacts Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   timeously to ensure that the new booking is honoured.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   does not guarantee under any circumstances that any request for a refund or extension will be successful.



  • Strict regulations are in place with regards to the carrying of liquids, aerosols and gels as hand luggage on international flights and is subject to the following:

    • You may only carry liquids, aerosols and gels in your hand luggage in containers that have a maximum capacity of 100 (one hundred) millilitres each;

    • You may carry several containers with liquid contents however the total capacity may not exceed 1 (one) litre;

    • All 100 (one hundred) millilitres containers not exceeding one litre must be packed in a re-sealable, transparent plastic bag;

    • It must be possible to open and re-seal the plastic bag and must be presented to security for inspection.



  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   has no control over any indications of the hours spent flying which are provided by the Supplier of the relevant air transport services, which are given for guidance only and which are subject to alteration and confirmation.

  • The Customer must comply with all air transport Supplier's Rules and Restrictions on the carriage of pregnant women.

  • The Customer must comply with the air transport Supplier's Rules and Restrictions on the carriage of children and in particular that children older than 2 years on the return date must have a return ticket at a child fare for both the outbound and inbound flights. Customers who do not comply with this will not be eligible for a refund of any seat charges incurred during travel. Children under 2 years will not be allocated their own seat in the aircraft, unless a child fare has been booked for them. Unaccompanied children under 14 will only be carried in accordance with the Air Transport Supplier's Rules and Restrictions.



  • Accommodation may be offered separately or as part of a Package Holiday. The accommodation services, whether booked separately or as part of a Package Holiday, are subject to the Rules and Restrictions of the Suppliers offering the accommodation which will be made available before booking .The Supplier's Rules and Restrictions may include restrictions on and/or charges for cancellation and/or changes imposed by the Suppliers.

  • If a Customer does not show for the first night of the reservation and plans to check-in for subsequent nights in the reservation, the Lead Customer must confirm the reservation changes with Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   no later than the original date of check-in to prevent cancellation of the whole reservation. If the Lead Customer does not confirm the reservation changes with Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   the whole reservation may be cancelled and refunds will only be due to the Customer in line with the Rules and Restrictions of the applicable Supplier as notified in the booking process.

  • Any Customer who does not cancel or change their reservation before the cancellation policy period applicable to the hotel which varies by hotel (usually 24 to 72 hours) prior to the date of arrival will be subject to the charges shown in the Rules and Restrictions for the hotel reservation. Customers should note that some hotels do not permit changes to or cancellations of reservations after they are made and these restrictions are shown in the Rules and Restrictions for the hotel reservation.

  • You may not book more than 8 rooms online for the same hotel/stay dates. If we determine that you have booked more than 8 rooms in total in separate reservations, we may cancel your reservations, and charge you a cancellation fee, if applicable. If you paid a non-refundable deposit, your deposit will be forfeited. If you wish to book 9 or more rooms, you must complete the group travel form online. One of our group travel specialists will research your request and contact you to complete your reservation. You may be asked to sign a written contract and/or pay a non-refundable deposit if required by the hotel.


  • The Customer is reminded that, in general, rooms are only available from 14:00 and have to be vacated by 10:00, irrespective of the time of arrival or departure or the means of transport used.

  • Single rooms generally have one bed and a supplement is often payable for these rooms. Double rooms usually have either two single beds or one double bed.

  • Child/children should always be added on the booking and/or Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   should be informed prior to arrival date if there is/are any children coming with the parents. Hotels have different child policies & charges. Failure to do so may result in the guests being charged for the extra child/children or not being accommodated.

  • If meals are included on your booking, the property commonly provides meals for children aged 2 years old and below free of charge, children between 3-12 years old are commonly subject to extra meal charges, depending on the property.



  • The indication of the comfort level given to hotels in the descriptions on the Website corresponds to a classification based on local standards in that country, which can differ from standards in South Africa. This classification is provided only as an indication. Customers should be aware that standards can vary between hotels of the same class in different countries, and even in the same country. It is important to read carefully the individual hotel descriptions. Accommodation in all hotels, whatever the rating, is in standard rooms unless otherwise stated.

    • 1 star: These have the lowest prices. The accommodation meets the minimum requirements for facilities and is in general clean and simple. Bathroom facilities are typically shared.

    • 2 stars: Simple accommodation with a little more attention to style and ambiance, yet still for a low price. The facilities and the service are limited. A certain number of public rooms, a shop or, for example, a café could be included.

    • 3 stars: For the traveller who wants a little more and appreciates service, quality, style and comfort. Also recommended for families. There typically is a restaurant serving breakfast at least and sometimes lunch and/or dinner too. Conference rooms and sometimes other facilities, such as a swimming pool or services for business travellers may be available.

    • 4 stars: First-class accommodation for the more demanding guest. Attention has been paid to luxury, hospitality and service. A top-quality restaurant and a wealth of facilities can be expected at these reliable hotels. First-class accommodation for business travellers.

    • 5 stars: Top-class accommodation that meets the highest requirements. These hotels offer impeccable personal service, tasteful and elegant facilities and all possible comfort. The best hotels in the world.

  • Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   does its utmost to provide photographs and illustrations that give the Customer a depiction of the Services offered. The purpose of these photographs and illustrations is to show the Customer the level of accommodation and the degree of comfort, and they must not be considered to be making any representation that exceeds this purpose.         

  • It is possible that, from time to time, for reasons (for example a hotel is overbooked due to connectivity issues with the hotel) or for reasons of force majeure (for example a hotel is closed due to a hurricane) a hotel booking is cancelled or amended by the accommodation Supplier or Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  . Should such events occur, Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will make all reasonable efforts to notify the Customer of this as soon as possible and where possible will offer alternative accommodation in a hotel in at least the same star classification with similar services. If this offer is not taken by the Customer, Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will ensure that all monies paid in respect of the hotel booking are refunded. If appropriate, for example where a technical issue on the part of Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   has caused a booking to be cancelled or amended and such cancellation or amendment directly causes loss to the Customer, Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   will also pay reasonable compensation to the Customer. 



  • It is possible that, from time to time particular activities offered by the Suppliers that are shown in the description of the accommodation on the Website are cancelled, for example as a result of weather conditions or other reasons beyond the Supplier's reasonable control, during out-of-season stays, or if the required number of participants for the activity is not achieved.

  • Where sightseeing is concerned, the sequence of the various tourist attractions is shown only as an indication. This can be changed by the Suppliers.



  • If meals are part of an accommodation package, the number of meals depends on the number of overnight stays. Full board normally includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Half board normally includes breakfast and either lunch or dinner, depending on the accommodation package. Accommodation which includes main meals generally commences with dinner on the day of arrival at the hotel and terminates with breakfast (on half board) or lunch (on full board) on the day of departure. If one or more meals cannot be taken, no refunds will be made.

  • The Customer is reminded that, unless specified otherwise on the Website, drinks are not included with meals. If drinking water is not available, the Customer will bear the cost of buying it himself / herself.

  • Parents are advised to bring special food for their baby with them, as this is not always available locally.



  • The local authorities or hotels in certain countries may impose additional taxes (tourist tax, resort fees, etc), which generally have to be paid locally. The Customer is exclusively responsible for paying such additional taxes. The amount of taxes can change between booking and stay dates. In the event that taxes have increased as at your stay date, you will be liable to pay taxes at the new higher rate.

  • For certain Accommodations, a compulsory transportation or transfer fee will be charged on top of the room rate at the request of the Accommodation, or at your option where available. This is especially common for island destinations (e.g. the Maldives) where you need Accommodation transportation to reach the Accommodation. Please note that Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   does not organize any Accommodation transportation, this is always organized by and offered by or on behalf of the Accommodation, who is responsible for such transportation services, not Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd  . Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   does not assume any liability for the quality, safety, frequency or service levels of such transportation services



  • It is the responsibility of the Customer to check on the expiry of his/her miles and/or hotel award program, etc.

  • It is also the responsibility of the Customer to check and remain updated on any changes on and the latest status of the rules of any loyalty programs.

  • All documents that display proof credit/accumulation of the award program benefits etc e.g. hotel invoices, car rental invoices etc. must be retained as proof as these are the forms of documents that are acceptable to update or credit missing benefits/miles etc.





  • All vehicles provided are based on 1 piece of medium-sized luggage per person. You have to inform us beforehand if your guests are planning to carry a bigger or more than 1 luggage per person as we may need to arrange a larger vehicle for this, with an extra cost. Failure to inform us may results in the driver charging your guests directly for any extras incurred.

  • For any transfers booking, if you are travelling with babies or infants, it is the responsibility of the guests to ensure they have the correct child/infant seat for use in the booked vehicle.  Requests for child seats must be made in advance. Failure to do this could result in the service not taking place with no refund possible.

  • Waiting time for the driver is 1 hour, guests need to be at the meeting point at least 5 minutes prior to the confirmed pick up time, if guests fail to show at the meeting point after an hour, driver will be released and service will be charged in full. For airport pickup, driver waiting time is 1 hour after the flight has landed.

  • It is your responsibility to update the details of your transfer booking through the system in case of any changes; and inform us accordingly prior to the service date so we can advise our suppliers/drivers.

  • For any last minutes changes, please ask your Customers to contact the emergency number given on the voucher.

  • Guests should be aware of the meeting point stated on the voucher and call the emergency number written on the voucher if they cannot locate the driver at the meeting point.



  • Car hire services are offered separately or as part of a Package Holiday. These car hire services, whether booked separately or as part of a Package Holiday, are subject to the Rules and Restrictions of the respective Supplier (car hire company)

  •  Method of payment

    • The Customer making the booking must present a valid card in her/his name upon pick up of the hire vehicle. Debit cards in some instances may not be accepted, if accepted the deposit maybe higher. The Customer must check which credit cards are accepted by the Supplier.

    • The Supplier may submit an authorisation request to the credit card company during the period of car hire by way of a deposit held by the Supplier. The Customer must therefore contact his / her credit card company to ensure the payment card limit is suitable for this purpose. Some larger car types require two credit cards.

    • If the Customer does not comply with the terms set out above, the Supplier may not make the vehicle available and the full price of car hire will still be charged.

  • Supplements

    • Additional charges may be payable locally such as refueling, additional driver charges and young driver surcharge. The Customer acknowledges that in no event shall Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   and/or its Suppliers be liable for such additional charges as detailed or otherwise.

      • An excess amount may be applicable in the event of theft or damage to the hire car. This will vary depending on the Supplier and country of rental. Purchase of an optional additional insurance coverage locally (called super CDW or super TP) will remove/reduce the excess applicable. The Customer acknowledges that in no event shall Globetrotter Online Travel (Pty) Ltd   or its Suppliers be liable for such excess or provision of additional insurance coverage as detailed or otherwise.

    • Petrol is not usually included in the hire tariff. For the hire of vehicles in certain countries, certain Suppliers automatically add charges for filling the fuel tank when the vehicle is returned. In addition, certain Suppliers charge a supplement if snow tyres are used.

    • Unless agreed otherwise, the Customer must return the vehicle to the branch of the Supplier from which it was collected. If the Customer does not comply with this, the Suppliers may charge an additional surcharge.

    • Special equipment, such as child seats, can be requested, and will be payable directly to the Supplier upon pick up (if available).

  • Collection / use of the vehicle

    • Drivers must usually be aged between 21 and 75 although this can vary between Suppliers and from country to country. It is the Customer's responsibility to check this with the Supplier. Additional charges may also apply if any driver is aged below 25 or over 70.

    • All drivers must present a full valid driving licence in their name for the category of vehicle rented when taking delivery of the hire car. International rentals may have different driving licence requirements. An international driving licence is required if the drivers' licence is not in the Roman alphabet. Additional documentation such as a passport or up to two forms of proof of name and address may also be required. Customers should check the Rules and Restrictions of the Supplier offering the car-hire for details of all applicable criteria for booking car-hire.

    • The Customer is reminded that some Suppliers do not permit the rented vehicle to be used outside the country in which it has been rented.

  • Cancellation of bookings / unused rental days

    • No refunds will be offered on bookings cancelled within 6 hours to pick up time or any unused rental days.

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